February 15, 2010


Perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.

This last week I have been reminded of the importance of having perspective. Today is a very special day for me. Today holds a great deal of meaning. In order for me to appreciate today, however, I have to maintain perspective. I have to look back and see how much has changed in the last year and understand that things are going to continue to change.

I remember my husband and I were on a weekend getaway last year in our favorite spot, Chincoteague, Virginia. We were driving around the beautiful beach town and soaking up the peace. We started talking about the woman who owned and managed the bed and breakfast we were staying at. She had mentioned a few details about her past. She had been a mother and wife for most of her life. Recently, her husband had passed away and all her children lived in Florida. However, she had this wonderful life and had such a peaceful existence. She seemed so content. I told James that she helped me remember and understand that who I am today is not forever. All the good and bad about this stage in my life will change. Each stage of my life will bring new and joys and challenges, but this perspective helps me to appreciate where I am today because who knows what tomorrow will bring. For all I know, in ten years I will miss the exhausting days of running after a three year old. I might miss working hard and living a busy life. I could miss who I am because of who I might become.

Perspective is the knowledge that today is beautiful and I need today so that I can understand yesterday and know that I can get through tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Good points! Thanks for helping me keep in check. I KNOW some day I'll miss where I am at right now. As in this year when this baby is born, I'm sure. But each phase is a journey right? And one God gave us and that was in his plans all along. I take solace in that.
