January 29, 2010

The Beginning

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long time. I have always enjoyed writing but never really found the right way to do it. I am hoping this is it.

I am not sure that I will keep one theme for all my posts, but I can guarantee they will revolve around my daily goal - To Love Well. By that I mean, not just love my family, friends, myself & God, but endeavor to do it well. I hope that at the end of each post I will see that I have loved and loved well.

So to anyone who cares to learn more about my life, I welcome to my mind and to my Life on Lehigh.

P.S. - A huge thanks to Samantha Bird of Nest in Bloom for doing an amazing job at designing my blog and encouraging me try something new. You are a wonderful person and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

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