January 29, 2010

The Beginning

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long time. I have always enjoyed writing but never really found the right way to do it. I am hoping this is it.

I am not sure that I will keep one theme for all my posts, but I can guarantee they will revolve around my daily goal - To Love Well. By that I mean, not just love my family, friends, myself & God, but endeavor to do it well. I hope that at the end of each post I will see that I have loved and loved well.

So to anyone who cares to learn more about my life, I welcome to my mind and to my Life on Lehigh.

P.S. - A huge thanks to Samantha Bird of Nest in Bloom for doing an amazing job at designing my blog and encouraging me try something new. You are a wonderful person and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

Bright as yellow

Lyrics to my favorite song by The Innocence mission
{Click to watch the music video!}

And you live your life with your arms stretched out. Eye to eye when speaking. Enter rooms with great joy shouts, happy to be meeting. And bright, bright, bright, bright as yellow, warm as yellow.

And I do not want to be a rose. I do not wish to be pale pink, but flower scarlet, flower gold. And have no thorns to distance me, but be bright, bright, bright, bright as yellow, warm as yellow.

Even if I'm shouting, even if I'm shouting here inside.
Even if I'm shouting, do you see that I'm wanting, that I want to be so so bright, bright, bright, bright as yellow, warm as yellow.

First Post

Designed by Samantha of Nest In Bloom & Nest Blossoms