March 31, 2010

Too Long

I am going to take full advantage of my day at home with a sick little boy. One of those advantages will be to sit down and actually post something here. I have nothing to complain about and find it interesting how it is harder to write about happy you are, rather than how difficult life is.

God has been proving himself faithful to us. I am learning that God honors your good decisions and hard work. It is wonderful to finally feel like after a few very very hard years, we just might have a reprieve to enjoy life for a while!

All our needs are met. We both have wonderful and stable jobs. We have the house we only dreamed of two years ago. Our marriage is stronger than ever. We are a part of a very special community of people who are on this journey with Christ. We have a healthy, happy and very special little boy. We seem to have it all, right? But through all I have learned in the short life of mine, is to never just settle for what I have. To never turn a blind eye to my weaknesses and be lazy about areas that I can improve. I believe that God wants more for me and I should have that same desire. I am looking forward to praying, reading books, and working on "doing better". As I continue to grow, I am enjoying the blessings I do have and thanking God for all the Joy he has given me!